Four fellows are selected annually at UK to participate in the SEC ALDP, which prepares current and potential university leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century in higher education. Fellows will be faculty with the potential for advancement to leadership positions such as assistant/associate dean, dean, assistant/associate provost, vice president, etc. Fellows will attend two workshops at SEC institutions to further their academic career development, and participate in leadership conversations with UK leaders across campus. On-campus activities at UK are led by OFA leadership and involve small-group meetings with approximately 15 campus leaders (including the President, Provost, and several VPs and Associate Provosts), as well as leaders from CPE and/or the KCTCS, based upon preferences of each year's cohort members.
Southeast Conference (SEC) Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP) Application Period: March - May
SEC Academic Leadership Development Program
SEC ALDP Process
Program Description
The Southeast Conference Academic Consortium Leadership Development Program (SECAC ALDP) was established in 2007 to prepare current and potential university leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century by:
- Enriching their knowledge and understanding of the major issues and challenges facing higher education
- Providing participants with an increased understanding of their strengths and talents as a leader in higher education
- Stimulating critical thought about the future of the academy in general, and flagship universities in particular
- Building relationships within the University of Kentucky, among other potential academic leaders at universities within the Southeastern Conference, and with experienced leaders in higher education
Program Goals
To identify, develop, prepare, and advance faculty as academic leaders in and for SEC universities.
- Advance faculty and teach leadership skills
- Provide qualified and skilled talent pool for deans, vice/associate provosts, provosts
- Tenured full-time faculty (preferably Professor or senior-level Associate Professor)
- non-tenured professors will be considered
- Demonstrated leadership experience and decision-making abilities
Have demonstrated success in their current positions and interest in administrative careers as evidenced by a minimum of 2 years of academic administrative experience
Application Process
The application process for ALDP is designed to ensure that Fellows will fully participate in and benefit from the program. A prospective faculty candidate must complete the application materials located online as indicated below and submit a letter of evaluation from the Dean. The selection committee will identify at least three, and no more than four, Fellows from those who apply.
Complete applications should be uploaded to the application portal below. A list of required materials may be found here: Application Requirements
Selection Process
- Fellows will be selected by an open nomination process. The criteria for selection will be on the strengths of their application and the individual's potential to demonstrate quality leadership in higher education. Applications will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Provost.
- The committee will ensure that the ALDP Fellows represent a diverse set of disciplines. The committee will present recommendations to the Provost, who will select the final four ALDP Fellows.
- Selected ALDP Fellows are expected to attend and participate fully in both the fall and spring ALDP Workshops, travel with the group whenever possible, read the preparatory materials, and participate in leadership activities conducted on the UK campus.
Expectations of selected Fellows
Fellows are expected to be fully engaged in the ALDP programs and are required to:
- Participate in all program activities.
- Attend two workshops at another Southeastern Conference University
- Travel with the group whenever possible
- Read the preparatory materials
- Engage in the discussion groups
- Participate in the local program as defined by the host institution
- Serve as mentors to future ALDP Fellows