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2024-25 Chairs Town Hall Meetings

The Office for Faculty Advancement will host a series of Town Hall meetings beginning in the Fall of 2024. The Town Hall meetings will be from noon to 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, starting on August 13. The schedule may be found here, with dates and topics included.  This is an opportunity for department chairs and other college-level administrators to build a network of peers, get answers to questions or challenges, and revisit those topics that may have been covered in other OFA programs; these meetings are a way to continue ongoing leadership development and peer support.

*Please note:  Due to FCPS Spring Break, the Town Hall scheduled for April 8th has been rescheduled to April 1st.  

3/11/2025 - Work-Life Well-Being Resources Slides

Click here to register for any of the 2024 - 2025 Town Hall Meetings

Preparing and Managing a Budget

This workshop is meant for department chairs, school directors, and administrators. Its aim is to learn more about the Provost Budget Office and how it serves the Provost's areas.  The workshop also provides guidance regarding college and departmental budgeting processes, HR/personnel policies, and the annual operating budget cycle.

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Promotion and Tenure

Seeking promotion and/or tenure is often a mystifying and intimidating process. The Office of Faculty Advancement has developed a series of workshops aimed to demystify and support faculty. The program includes workshops for faculty, and are appropriate for faculty at any career stage – the earlier you understand the promotion process the less intimidating it may be. In addition, we offer workshops to help demystify the process for administrative personnel who help faculty prepare their dossiers, for chairs and deans who have responsibility for shepherding faculty promotion dossiers through the various review steps; and for members of college or provost area promotion and tenure review committees. The Office of Faculty Advancement is also happy to provide workshops and information sessions to individual departments or colleges upon request.

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Faculty Supervisory Series

Recognizing that faculty often have limited training opportunities to develop their supervisory skills of staff employees, the Office for Faculty Advancement has worked with UKHR to plan and execute a year-long four-part Faculty Supervisory Series.  Each session is approximately 1.5 hours long and covers the following:  Positive Coaching and Corrective Action, Fostering an Effective Team Environment, HR Policy Review, and EQ 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence).

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New Deans Onboarding Program

Again offered through the Office for Faculty Advancement, this 5.5-hr program is offered to new deans (and other high-level faculty administrators) hired within the past 12 months (typically 2-4 per year).  Topics include Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, Office of Legal Counsel, Financial Matters, Provost Budget Office Procedures and Policies, Faculty Governance, Faculty Workload, Performance Reviews & Promotions, and Q&A and Lunch with experienced deans.  Approximately 10 speakers from across campus participate in this program.  

Participants are selected by the Provost and the Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement.

Dean's Onboarding

University SuperVision Program

University SuperVision courses are required for both Campus and UK Healthcare supervisors in the staff category of employment; however, UK faculty are eligible and encouraged to participate.  Courses most appropriate for faculty supervisors include Corrective Action and Coaching, Creating Effective Teams, Fundamentals of Diversity, Hiring and Interviewing, HR Policies and Procedures, Performance Evaluation, and Preventing Discrimination and Harassment.  For more information about University SuperVision, please contact Donna Vanover (859) 257-5996 or Tommy Leach (859) 257-9624.

University SuperVision Information - Human Resources

University Leadership Forum

Co-sponsored by UK Human Resources and the Office for Faculty Advancement. The Spring 2019 Forum had two key-note addresses:  Ann Carver, CIO, Coca-Cola, who spoke on "Change Management:  Technology Innovations and Disruptions."  Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist and leadership coach, spoke on "Neuroscience for Leadership:  Understanding Influence and Persuasion."  These forums were attended by both UK faculty and staff.

American Council on Education (outside UK)

The American Council on Education (ACE) Fellows Program offers a customized learning experience that includes three multi-day seminars, a team-based project, and immersion at another higher education institution.  UK typically nominates 1-2 fellows annually to participate in this prestigious leadership development program.

Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (outside UK)

Open to faculty in schools of medicine, dentistry, public health, and pharmacy, ELAM is a year-long fellowship dedicated to developing the professional and personal skills required to lead and manage in today's complex healthcare environment, with special attention to the unique challenges facing women in leadership positions.  UK nominates 1-2 faculty to this competitive fellowship annually.