2025 Promotion and Tenure Workshops
The Office for Faculty Advancement is operating a number of workshops to help support faculty promotion preparation and success. Register for sessions here.
Seeking promotion and/or tenure is often a mystifying and intimidating process. The Office for Faculty Advancement has developed a series of workshops aimed to demystify and support faculty. The program includes workshops for faculty, and are appropriate for faculty at any career stage – the earlier you understand the promotion process the less intimidating it may be.
In addition, we offer workshops to help demystify the process for administrative personnel who help faculty prepare their dossiers, for chairs and deans who have responsibility for shepherding faculty promotion dossiers through the various review steps; and for members of college or provost area promotion and tenure review committees. The Office for Faculty Advancement is also happy to provide workshops and information sessions to individual departments or colleges upon request.
Recordings of Previous Workshops
2.1 - How to lead your faculty through promotion and tenure: GMT20250204-180218_Recording_1920x1080.mp4
3.1 - How to address professionalism: GMT20250206-160218_Recording_1920x1080 (1).mp4
6.1 - P&T in the Tenure Tracks: link
7.1 - Promotion to Senior Lecturer: link
8.1 - P&T in Clinical Title Series: link

Registration Links
- Leading Your Faculty Through Promotion/Tenure Process
- Session 1: Feb 4 1:00-2:00 | Chairs, Directors, Chiefs
- Leading Your Faculty Through Promotion/Tenure Process
- Session 2: Feb 26 10:00-11:00 | Chairs, Directors, Chiefs
- Professionalism in Performance Evaluations and Promotion Dossier Review
- Session 1: Feb 6 11:00-12:00 | Chairs, Directors, Chiefs
- Professionalism in Performance Evaluations and Promotion Dossier Review
- Session 2: Feb 25 2:00-3:00 | Chairs, Directors, Chiefs
- Helping Faculty Prepare a Successful Promotion Dossier
- Session 1: Mar 25 3:00-3:30 | Admin Support Staff
- Helping Faculty Prepare a Successful Promotion Dossier
- Session 2: Apr 18 10:00-10:30 | Admin Support Staff
- APT process and responsibilities for APT committees
- Session 1: Sep 10 11:00-12:00 | APT Members
- APT process and responsibilities for APT committees
- Session 2: Sep 16 2:30-3:30 | APT Members
- Strategies for Success: Promotion and Tenure Preparation for Tenure Tracks
- Session 1: Mar 11 3:00-4:00 | Tenure Track Faculty
- Strategies for Success: Promotion and Tenure Preparation for Tenure Tracks
- Session 2: Mar 12 9:00-10:00 | Tenure Track Faculty
- Strategies for Success: Promotion to Senior Lecturer
- Session 1: Mar 12 10:00-11:00 | Lecturers
- Strategies for Success: Promotion to Senior Lecturer
- Session 2: Mar 13 11:00-12:00 | Lecturers
- Strategies for Success: Promotion in the Clinical Title Series
- Session 1: Mar 13 3:00-4:00 | Clinical Title Series
- Strategies for Success: Promotion in the Clinical Title Series
- Session 2: Mar 26 11:00-12:00 | Clinical Title Series
- Strategies for Success: Promotion in the Research Title Series
- Session 1: Mar 25 1:00-1:00 | Research Title Series
- Strategies for Success: Promotion in the Research Title Series
- Session 2: Apr 2 11:00-12:00 | Research Title Series
- Strategies for Success: From Associate to Full Professor
- Session 1: Mar 27 11:00-12:00 | Associate Professors
- Strategies for Success: From Associate to Full Professor
- Session 2: Apr 4 2:00-3:00 | Associate Professors