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Faculty and Staff Awards Spreadsheet

The Office for Faculty Advancement maintains the list of approved awards for faculty and staff.  The current list updated on 10/3/2024 may be found here.

Faculty/Staff Awards Spreadsheet

Resident and House Staff Awards Spreadsheet

The Office for Faculty Advancement maintains the list of approved awards for residents and house staff.  The current list updated on 8/19/2024 may be found here.

Resident/House Staff Awards Spreadsheet

Request New Awards or Update Existing Awards

Requests to add new faculty/staff and/or resident and house staff awards should be emailed to Jennifer  Haynes (  in the Office for Faculty Advancement, using the template below.

Template for New Awards

Student Awards

All requests for new or updated student awards should be submitted to the Office for Student Success.

Click here for Student Awards

A wide variety of Awards and Honors are issued to individuals whose outstanding service at the University of Kentucky earns recognition. For information regarding the nomination process, award history, or other details please contact the originating College/Department.

Provost's Awards for Outstanding Teaching


Each year, the University recognizes faculty and graduate students for outstanding teaching.  The awards are intended to identify and recognize individuals who demonstrate extraordinary dedication to student achievement and who are advancing meritorious success in their teaching.  These awards emphasize the University's commitment to the importance of teaching as its vital core mission in the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world.

Past Outstanding Teaching Award Recipients


Graduate School Faculty Awards 

Kirwan Prize

Sturgill Award

*The Kirwan Prize and Sturgill Award are presented during the Provost's Awards for Outstanding Teaching ceremony, each year in April.

UK Alumni Professorships

The Alumni Professorships date back to at least 1985, when faculty were “recognized for their influential scholarly contributions, sustained excellence in teaching, and outstanding career or public service.” The professorship and associated annual stipend are extended for a 5-year period and are renewable. The Office for Faculty Advancement oversees the process for selection and/or renewal of this Professorship.

Deans are encouraged to consider nominating one faculty member from your college for this prestigious Professorship. It is anticipated that professorships will be awarded to begin July 1.

Criteria for the Alumni Professorships are:

1. The individual should be a tenured faculty member (at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor)

2. The individual should have made outstanding contributions in research and scholarship that are recognized nationally for their quality and influence

3. The individual should have established a reputation for being an excellent teacher and mentor, and

4. The individual should be recognized for outstanding contributions in the area of professional and community service.


Nominations are limited to one per college.

Please limit the nomination to the following two components:

1. Letter of nomination written by the dean

2. Faculty member’s Curriculum Vitae


The selection committee composed of faculty and a representative of the Alumni Association will make recommendations for appointment to the Provost in mid-late April, with the Professorship to begin July 1, for those selected for this recognition and honor.

Questions may be directed to Jennifer Haynes, Faculty Advancement Coordinator, in the Office for Faculty Advancement.

Please note:  There are no Alumni Professorship vacancies for 2024.

Wethington Awards

The Wethington Awards program serves five purposes that are linked to our efforts to move the University toward national prominence:

  • Increase the number of applications to extramural funding agencies; 
  • increase the level of grant and contract funding;
  • provide enhanced opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral training;
  • enhance the level of indirect costs revenue for redistribution and investment; and 
  • facilitate the recruitment and retention of research-oriented faculty.

This award program is designed to recognize the success of individual faculty in contributing to the University's research program by competitively obtaining extramural funding.  The criteria for the selection of nominees must include, at a minimum, evidence of scholarly productivity and excellence.

Click here to see the current memo on the Wethington Awards 

Program Period:  March-May (announcement made in late March for spreadsheets to be due early May)


Distinguished Service Award

2013 - 2014 Recipients
Daniel Breazeale - Philosophy
Edward T. Jennings - Martin School of Public Policy & Administration
Michael F. Potter -Entomology
Jurgen Rohr- Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sharon L. Walsh- Behavioral Science
Heidi L. Weiss- Markey Cancer Center

Distinguished Service Professors Past Recipients

Provost Public Scholars

2009 - 2010 Recipients

Paul Eakin - Mathematics

For questions about any of these award programs, please contact

Jennifer Haynes

Jennifer Haynes Faculty Advancement Coordinator
